Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Quiet Time


How's your day going?

Mine's busy busy busy.

Started early with taking our two 6-month-old cats to the vet for their neutering operation.  I hate this.  It feels so wrong and so arrogant to interfere with an animal's body and life just for the convenience of achieving the kind of pet I want to have.  On the other hand, they are rescue cats, so would have maybe had a miserably, mangy, feral, hungry life without us.  One of them broke his leg when he was very young, falling from a high place.  Without us and the £750.00 op to mend it, he would have been vulnerable, in pain, deformed and probably died.  We feed them and love them - even so, taking them for that op causes me such turmoil.  That was how the day began.

Later, I have to write up the minutes from last night's church meeting - and I have to make a good job of it because it's the executive body of the church, so that feels like a big responsibility.

I want to write a long and complicated blog post in response to a question a dear friend raised with me yesterday.

I have to do some more work on reading through a book for which the author has requested an endorsement.  It's an excellent book but, as I know the territory it covers rather well, I can also see a number of little things that need tweaking, so it requires careful comment as well as reading.

This afternoon the vet will ring and we pick the cats up and bring them home.

This evening my family are going to choir and I'm going to worship at the Crowhurst Home of Healing.

Just now the beloved Wretched Wretch is out in the garden playing in his sandpit with his mummy (UK version of mommy, okay? Nothing Egyptian), waiting patiently for me to come down from my garret and play too, and look at the wonderful MamAmor doll that came in the mail this weekend (hooray) to help Buzzfloyd with her gentle parenting group. 

Somewhere in among all that lot I guess we get to cook and eat etc.

But what about a quiet time?  

My mind is buzzing with so many things - thoughts for the blog post, the book I'm reading, the church meeting last night so I  don't look at my notes and think 'what?' but hold it in mind until it's written up, the cats - are they OK?

When it's like this I find it so hard to settle and focus and centre.  It's times like this when a song really helps.  So if your day is busy busy busy too, and you could do with
to catch your breath and give your day perspective, I offer you to join me in loving this song, which in both word and music expresses exactly what I feel about my beloved Jesus.

It seems they can't spell 'instrumental'.  But, hey.  Enjoy.  May your day be blessed.


  1. Take the time Ember. Take it back to think and to just be.

    Silence and being still is such a necessity for everyone, but so many ignore this urging.

  2. Brightest blessing to you too! :)

    Neutering is the better of two evils... :/ Big cuddles for your cats! <3

    My day has thankfully been rather quiet. I've had many 5 minutes to myself and have spent most of it engaging in some musical therapy of my own. :) :) :)

    Thanks for sharing Josh with us, I too LOVE that song/his voice. :)


  3. Spiritual turmoil here. Five minutes would be nice, an hour even better.

    Oh, & I'm all for desexing the pets. Too many unwanted & abused animals as it is & I sorta can't cope with that.

    Enjoy the wretched wretch.

  4. Ember, Just wanted to say I absolutely adore the pic of you that's showing up on my blog at present. Super gorgeous you! Really lovely. Congrat whoever took the snap for me. They really seem to have captured your essence. A joik on celluid.

  5. Why, thank'ee! My webcam this morning. :0)

  6. Friends of mine who live in countries with large feral cat populations would tell us why it's so much better for the animals in the UK, where people take responsibility for the health of the whole animal population by neutering. My friend in Germany volunteers at an animal sanctuary devoted exclusively to stray cats. It's worth talking to her on the subject!

    I really love this song, especially Josh Groban's version. One of the things I like most about it is its simplicity; it doesn't try to do anything complicated, it's just enough as it is.

    We had a lovely time this morning. Thank you for the doll. :-)

  7. Yesterday you blog post about libraries did that for me. It seems a long time ago now, but I am pretty sure that is how my day went. It was very cold, dark and foggy at the time. It nearly snowed on the nearby hills.

  8. I contacted my library about your novels as well, then came across a simplicity article you wrote once, so not sure now what was relaxing about it all, but it helped.

  9. Love this version by Josh Groban....

    We adopted a mommy cat with six tiny kitten ... and had all six of them fixed because they were really feral, even though the mommy wasn't. The poor mommy was just 2 and on her third little ... the family moved away without her. She was starving when she arrived in our yard ... but her kittens were darling. That was 7 years ago this week ... and we still have two of the kittens left!

    I am with you on the books ... and am glad to be part of the reason your books are still in print :) Looking forward to the ones coming out soon!

  10. :0) That was one big family of kittens! Thanks so much for your support re the books - have transcribed your comment to its correct place x

  11. Thanks for the link, Ember. Just what I needed before I go to bed!
    Be blessed x


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