Saturday, 17 March 2012


My Badger is quite an unusual man, rather shy and introvert by nature.  He has a good camera, and I asked him to bring it along to take some photos of our expotition.  He did.  He has some excellent snaps of Ampleforth Abbey (he visited it, but I sat out that dance as the monks at Ampleforth are super-busy):

and the ruins of nearby Byland Abbey:

some really good pics of a regular visitor to our lodge: 

and a very clear shot of Stanbrook Abbey’s signboard with its graceful lettering, to show where we were:

He photographed the moss (because it was luxuriant and amazing)

and the grass (because it was starry with celandines):

and some clear water high up there in the hills, falling into a quiet pool.

He photographed our chalet, to show the family when we got home:

and the inside

He snapped Hebe and me walking  to chapel at Stanbrook

And he then took a photograph of what I guess I had been expecting: some people talking to each other (that's Hebe on the left, me in the middle and the Badger on the right - and part of my boot):


To be fair to the Badger, I think his sensitivity served him well on this occasion as, though we had such a happy time with the sisters at Stanbrook Abbey and at Thicket Priory, somehow taking photos would have introduced a stilted feeling and jarred the delight of our encounters.

So you will just have to imagine them!


365 366 Day 77 – Saturday March 17th   
(if you don’t know what I’m talking about, see here)  

Oh, this was a duvet.  My mama kindly gave us a super-duper soft snuggly ultra-warm duvet for the Garret.  The one we had was not old, but only medium-warm; so we had it laundered then freecycled it.


  1. That's ok. I have a good imagination. And your special time wasn't spoilt. ☺ Happy to have you back.

  2. What lovely pictures! I really enjoyed them!

  3. Lovely to the see the ground and all the flowers. The snow has just started to melt here and there are still mountains of snow left although in some places along the houses one can see things starting to sprout. I am usually quite fond of snow and can feel a bit sad when it goes but this year I am nothing but happy to see it go!

    I think this is partly due to me know that as soon as the snow goes, my baby will come soon...

  4. :0) Hi Julie! xxx

    God bless you and your little one, Elin - may angels safeguard your baby's path into this world x

  5. What a lovely display of photos you have shared Pen - thank you for that :).

    I pray that your time away was enjoyable...

    Be blessed dear friend,

  6. Those photos are quite stunning. I love the remarkable yet subtle nature of the details. I don't know which I like best. The water, perhaps. Or the ruins.

  7. :0) Yes - and they do give a real feel of the place, don't they?


Welcome, friend! I'm always interested to read your comments.