Wednesday, 21 March 2012

When a writer marries her publisher . . .

Yesterday I travelled to Oxford to meet up with my friend Mary (I’ll tell you about that tomorrow), staying overnight with the Badger at his midweek roost in Aylesbury.  We chatted about life the universe and everything as we made the early morning journey to his office on the outskirts of Oxford – he works for Lion Hudson, a Christian publishing house.

He had evidently been mulling over some of my recent blog posts about my state of mind, and been observing it himself as well.  He concluded, as he told me he’d confided to his colleague Simon last week: “I think my wife is expecting a book!”

Shrewd.  Very shrewd!

365 366 Day 81 – Wednesday March 21st  
(if you don’t know what I’m talking about, see here)

Oh, this sweet little chest of drawers was the original house for my Japanese tea-set when we got it.   Then we kept packets of seeds in it for a while.  It made the perfect container for a sewing kit for two small fairies who live nearby.


  1. Hello! As always, I recognise the wise thoughts in recent posts, but wonder where I could possibly find the time to work them through into living! Think there's a lesson there, if only I had t... ... ...

  2. Love, love, love that photo.

    Hope the pregnancy goes well & we see a healthy bouncing book shortly. ☺

  3. gosh yes ...that glint in your eye couldn't be ignored!....great pic!

  4. :0) Gerry I love your new smiley profile photo with the red earrings that came with the email of your comment.

  5. Yay...more Brother Tom??

  6. :0) I'm sure Brother Tom's adventures will continue1


Welcome, friend! I'm always interested to read your comments.