Saturday, 16 March 2013


Such a happy evening on Thursday.  

Our Rosie has a grade exam coming up, and we were invited as a rehearsal audience for her pieces.

There is something inherently beautiful about playing the harp.



  1. Harp music is transporting. What a special time together! Love the lava lamp too -- ours was aqua and lime green when I was a girl... xxoo

  2. You cannot beat live music and even more so if it is a family member providing the entertainment! Hope the exam goes well.


  3. The harp really is one of the most beautiful sounding instruments, how wonderful that your daughter plays.


  4. It is an amazing instrument. I can fully understand the power to soothe and calm it held for King Saul in the Old Testament.

  5. OoooooooooH!!!!!! How I wish I could have been there. I so want to learn the Irish harp ~ proper, as in gold, silver & bronze strings. I need to be rich! lol

    I hope your Rosie wows the judges & does really really well.

  6. Pilgrim - thanks you so much for your 'not-for-publication' comment, which I have received safely but cannot reply to without a contact address. Thank you for taking the trouble to write to me.

  7. I agree with Bean (and others above). You look SO relaxed in the photos. How your soul must have been soothed! Any chance you could share a brief recorded session in a post????

  8. That would be good, wouldn't it! Next time we get together to listen to Rosie play, I'll enquire if any of our electronics allows an uploadable video with sound. If somone has an iPad iPhone that might do it.



Welcome, friend! I'm always interested to read your comments.