Saturday, 8 February 2014


Startled by the unexpectedly holistic simplicity into which the Gerson way has catapulted me.  Socialising, eating out, snacks and treats – forget them. Tea-pots/cups/plates: no longer necessary.  Packaged and processed foods, bottled water and other drinks: things of the past.  Suddenly I don’t really need anything.  Left alone with a bunch of carrots and potatoes, a heap of apples and oranges, and a heck of a lot of salad.  Needful implements: 1 juicer, 1 water distiller, 1 juice glass, 1 bowl, 1 spoon, 1 fork, 1 small casserole, 1 saucepan.  I never realized so much of my life and thought revolved around food.

I didn’t associate Gerson with possessions; but it has, at a stroke, made a whole raft of paraphernalia into mere impedimenta.

Clearing, clearing, clearing; thoughts, feelings, necessities. 

Because of the insistence on organic fruit and vegetables – and organic oats – there are fair-trading and ethical and environmental implications, too.  The most straightforward way for me is to order a delivery from Abel & Cole, who source ethically from (mostly) local farms with minimal and (mostly) re-usable packaging. So, not even grocery shopping to do.

One choice – Gerson – has, at a stroke, integrated and aligned a plethora of options and decisions, like the ripples from a pebble dropped into a pool, going all the way out to the edge and back again.

I’m disconcerted by the mental quiet too; the interior evenness and stability effected by vegetables, after a lifetime of the spikes and chaos engendered by sugar.  All hushed.

Other things that once amused/entertained me have also lost their savour.  There was a time (a while ago, admittedly) when I enjoyed women’s magazines; and also clothes shopping.  Now I love the clothes I always wear – same old same old, t-shirts and fleeces, long full skirts, boots, sandals or plimsolls.  Women’s magazines with their preoccupations – food, sex, fashion, image, disease and angst – bore me.

I don’t want to go anywhere, read anything, make anything.

It is as though the whole world has gone quiet.  Silence.  Thoughts.  Fire.  Wind.  Rain.  Stillness.  Vegetables.  Juice.   Light.   Clouds. 

Odd.   A sense of detachment and almost indifferent calm.    And at night, the most vivid and powerful dreams.


  1. Sounds deliciously minimal-ist.
    When the Manimal, who loves to COOK is away on business I find I need a plate, fork, bowl, cup, spoon,small pot, cutting board, sharp knife and my blender. Not only does the kitchen seem far too big, even just the dish drainer seems too big.
    The Gerson book is awaiting me on the Requested Shelf at the library in town and I suspect it is going to become my good friend.
    Thank you!

  2. I think that your soul knew what your body needed and that perhaps, for the first time,your body and soul are in sync?

  3. Hi friends

    It's quite a lot to take in, Rapunzel, but I have been very, very impressed by it. xx

    Gerri - that's a really interesting thought; I suspect you are spot on. xx

  4. My sister was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer thirteen months ago. A lumpectomy was planned that turned into a partial mastectomy and they removed a number of lymphnodes of which a third were positive for cancer. My brother-in-law and I met with the surgeon immediately following my sisters surgery. The surgeon was annoyed, surgery took her longer than expected, she was in a hurry and she was verging on rudeness when she spoke with us, she bluntly said, it is bad she needs six months of chemo and radiation and then five years of medication. We asked a couple of questions and were treated as if we were treated as if we were a bit slow.
    My sister met with an oncologist but had already decided she did not want to go the traditional route for treatment.
    My parents and myself we were shocked by her decision, angered, what was she thinking, what about her girls, how could she do this. You can imagine.
    But my sister persisted, with the support of her husband, they found a good doctor in New York, they visited she was checked over and put on a protocol.
    It is now a year later, she follows the protocol very strictly, it involves a lot of juicing fasts, 90% raw, many supplements, coffee enemas, and lots of supplements, at one point she was taking 184 capsules a day. Eating and supplement taking is on a strict time table each day.
    I have to say my sister has never looked better, she feels good, she stays busy, she is committed to her treatment. The natural way is a commitment for sure, but she has not had the damage that conventional treatment brings.
    As a lady I work with had breast cancer at the same time and took conventional treatment. The side effects were horrid, she had neurophophy(SP) numbness in her hands and fingers, this has lessened since treatment stopped seven months ago but not gone away. Her heart took permanent damage from the radiation, she still feels tired all of the time and still to this day does not feel back to normal.
    Each person has to make up their own mind the path they wish to take in working towards health, and people will agree and disagree with your decisions, but as my sister said she wanted to be in control. My sister has a peace she feels good about what she is doing and she makes the most of each day. She even says getting cancer was a good thing to happen to her as she appreciates so much more in life.
    My sister also felt firmly convinced that conventional treatment was going to kill her.

    Anyway, I think follow your intuition.

    Blessings to you,

    I love following your journey through this world.

  5. That was brave of your sister, Bean, and it took much dedication and perseverance, I'm sure. I'm so glad she has been able to rebuild her health. May she be happy and blessed. xx

  6. Oh, Bean, thank you for sharing that beautiful brave love story!


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