Monday, 10 March 2014

No-opinion Lent

Lent so far: one spectacular fail.  I have more opinions than I ever thought humanly possible.  I suppose discovering this is of itself useful to the soul.


  1. I have no opinion on this. All the best with it! ♥

  2. You are so funny! Thanks for the uplift. PS I think it is okay to have opinions. We just need to be selective as to who we share them with! Ultimately it would be nice if they were somehow in line with our values though. That is something to strive for

  3. :0) Well, I will keep trying . . .

  4. Ya know, all writers have opinions. If they didn't, they would be reporters, lol. Why do we read your blog? To read your last revelation of opinions! Well, not all, of course, but your opinions make me think just a tad deeper, so don't lose them all, cuz you would be boring, right?

    Sherry Anon :)

  5. I was also going to say I think it is OK to have opinions.

    It's how we express them that makes the difference! :)


  6. :0) My comforting friends!! xx

  7. I KNEW it! I just KNEW it! (And it's my further opinion that it's NOT just opinions that bring our frailties and weaknesses to our attention...)

    If knowing our weaknesses and humbling ourselves in our own eyes were the ONLY result of our Lenten intentions, that would probably be enough.

    Don't wallow in your disappointment. And should the enemy come with shame and blame, tell him to go measure the distance from east to west and get back to you. (This last sentence adapted from Louie Giglio's tweet this morning).

  8. But,that is only your opinion :)

  9. Hahaha! :0D I love my friends on this blog! xx

  10. Awww Man...does that mean you're having the ones I was going to use?? Shoot! ;-D

  11. Well we could swap a few. I have loads more. ;)

  12. oh I love your humour!!'s so hard not to be opinionated....well done!

  13. If trying to post without posting opinions is keeping you from my opinion that's a bad thing.

  14. Thank you, Gerry :0D

    Oooh, no Judy! Life is the usual blur! Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting coming up at church with complicated paperwork, a ladies' Quiet Day to prepare for the weekend, a family birthday this week, a funeral to prepare, my beautiful mama to visit - it's all go here, my feet haven't touched the ground!


  15. Well at least your fail was Spectacular, that's a great comfort.

    There of course is no point at all in giving up for Lent something that is easy to give up, so I'd say you're on the right track. It is very useful seeing how our own minds work.

  16. :0D You are always a comfort. There were many opinions I did not express. xx

  17. I still think having opinions isn't bad as long as one remembers that opinions are like noses, everyone has one and there are usually a couple of holes in it :-D


Welcome, friend! I'm always interested to read your comments.