Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Retreats and Quiet Days 2015

Some of you may be interested to know of the retreats I’m offering this year.

I want to explain that I don’t get paid for these. I like it better that way for two reasons – the first being simply that it makes them more accessible as you only have to pay for your food and (where applicable) accommodation. This is also partly why in general I’ve gone more for quiet days than two-day retreats; it keeps it more affordable for people already financially stretched.

The second reason I prefer not to be paid is that it assists in the direction of simplicity and pure intention. Back in the day when I accepted remuneration for retreats, there was an undercurrent of expectation that I was there to provide retreatants with a good time – a sort of spiritual spa experience. But that’s not the way I see it.  The retreats I offer are for people honestly on a journey, helping one another to see more deeply, to reach new levels of insight, to explore and taste and handle life’s realities, probing them for a precious harvest of truth. How can you be paid to do that?

Anyway, what’s on offer from me this year, all at Penhurst Retreat Centre, is as follows:

Thursday July 9th 2015 10.00am – 4.00pm        £25.00
"We bring nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out of it" (1 Tim.6:7) If the first necessity of our lives is to acquire what we need – companionship, a home, possessions, income – its second challenge is learning how to relinquish it all. Before we die we will lose everything – money, belongings, relationships, health, occupation, life itself. This day is to help us look ahead to the far side of life’s bell curve, when what we have built up must be dismantled. The art of letting go, with grace and peace.

Wednesday 23rd September 2015 10.00am – 4.00pm      £25.00
Faithfulness in times of dryness, disappointment and adversity.

Friday 13th November 4.00pm – Sunday 15th November 2.00pm
Residential £160.00  Non-residential £90.00
Pen Wilcock, Tony Collins and Claire Dunn are back with another weekend for writers of Christian fiction for publication. Topics this time will be Claire Dunn on Writing Historical Fiction, Researching, and Creating Atmosphere; Tony Collins on Getting Your Message Across, and The Economics of Publishing; Pen Wilcock on How To Make The Time To Write Your Book, and The Narrative Voice and the Character's Voice. Tony Collins has a wealth of experience in Christian publishing, and has championed the cause of Christian fiction in the UK for decades. Claire Dunn is an established novelist. Pen Wilcock writes both fiction and non-fiction.

Here’s the place to get in touch if any of those appeals to you.

Or you might like to browse through all the retreats on offer – it’s an excellent line-up!

Bookings for any retreat or quiet day are made with the retreat centre, not with me. The link you need is here.


  1. think I recognise that lane - I'll post my version over on GG&G xxx

  2. I've signed up for the writing retreat already, Pen. I'm really looking forward to it as last year's one was so good! I would love to come for the day ones too, but that might be a bit harder to arrange.

  3. Kat - it's one of the views from the windows at Penhurst. xx

    Anne - that's such good news - very much looking forward to seeing you again. xx

  4. I wish! I wish! Your kindnesses will NOT go unrewarded :)

  5. :0)

    My one and only trip to the US (and one of only five trips abroad in a lifetime) came about because I so wanted to meet a friend in person and hear her speak at an evening meeting. The trip had the unexpected bonus of a relatively tenuous online connection with another member of the same interest group, who kindly let me stay in her home during my stay, flowering into a really treasured friendship. I'm so glad I went.

  6. I've signed up for the writing retreat too. I am a novice when it comes to fiction but this looks tremendously useful. What a treat!

    Also planning to go on your day on aridity and disenchantment. Boy, I could attend that right NOW. But am content to wait. :)

    Penhurst looks absolutely lovely. I've been to Crowhurst, another retreat centre near Battle. We are well served for such places in the South East of England.

    - Philippa

  7. Oh, how lovely, Philippa! Looking forward to meeting you face-to-face!


  8. Thank you, Pen, I am too. :)

    - Philippa


Welcome, friend! I'm always interested to read your comments.