Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Oh my. 

Don’t you just love the beauty of wall pictures made by the light shining in through trees.


  1. That is a work of art--and so transient, like us. I like it a lot.

  2. Yes - the movement of light, as the days and seasons turn, through the spaces of the building where I live, is something of uplifting happiness; really joy. xx

  3. A gift from the good Lord! Utterly beautiful x

  4. Agree with BLD. Part of what makes it beautiful is that it's fleeting. It makes my heart ache.

  5. :0) Yes - that's what makes it speak. xx

  6. i seem to recall diana lorence of the innermost house saying something about not putting pictures on the walls so that all she would see would be the play of light and shadow. restful.

  7. Diana! Yes, I can imagine! I have a two-way pull her. The art I have on the walls is work by my children or dear friends - and one piece of Stan Rosenthal's given me by his widow after I took his funeral, a great privilege. So they have a special voice. But I also love the spaces in which the light can sing.


Welcome, friend! I'm always interested to read your comments.