Friday, 2 August 2019


Finished and sent in to trusty editor the book I've been writing through this summer — second book I've written this year, and another commissioned; hooray!

This one has not been commissioned by anyone, though, just my own bright idea, so no idea if it'll fly or not. Nonetheless it feels good to have completed it.


  1. Well done Pen! Looking forward to you sharing more when you can xx

  2. Congratulations.

  3. Congratulations! How lovely to launch something new, looking forward to it!

  4. Congratulations!! I missed your blog posts and assumed you must be quite busy with something, and you were. What a satisfaction it must be when the last word is written, and the manuscript is submitted, I can only imagine.

    Wishing you the best and will look forward to the book launch.


  5. i had a feeling that your silence on the blog meant great activity on the writing front. so happy to hear that you have your book finished and that you are ready to begin a new writing adventure. you know that we are all perched like literary hawks waiting to pounce on any new books that you have coming out!

  6. Well done, looking forward to finding out more in due course :-)

  7. Thank you my friends — such a sense of us all traveling along together. xx

  8. Brilliant news - it must be such hard work to create something entirely new. Congratulations! Deb x

  9. Congratulations!
    Me? I've been copying all the good parts from Poustinia into my journal. I should have purchased a copy instead of borrowing from library!
    Wow! Just WOW!

  10. Congratulations and blessings as they go out into the minds and hearts of readers!

  11. Thank you dears!

    Rebecca, is there a secondhand copy of Poustinia you could pick up cheap on Amazon? It's the sort of book worth having on your shelves to go back to.

  12. Really looking forward to what you next put out for us!

  13. NOt going to say I'm proud of you, because I don't want to be a prideful person, ha ; )
    So let's say I'm vicariously pleased as punch!



Welcome, friend! I'm always interested to read your comments.