Saturday, 30 November 2019

I recommend

Seriously, this does not often happen. 

I am quite picky about what I even embark on trying to watch on TV, or go to the cinema to see. Every now and then there's something I like, but only once in a while. A lot of what's on offer I'd actually go a long way to avoid and pay to miss, and even the good stuff usually has its disappointments, strikes a bum note.

On Wednesday the women of our house sallied forth to see Frozen 2. In all honesty I went just because it's fun to do something together. Disney animations are unlikely to be something I'd chose to view left to myself. But I wanted to go because the others were going.

But Frozen 2 is brilliant. Braced for it to descend into cliché and mediocrity, as it unfolded I found myself cautiously realising, "but this is good!" It was. All the way through. When it got to the end, my inner child was already clamouring, "Again! Again!"

I wholeheartedly recommend it. 

But wait, there's more!

A few years ago we stopped doing Christmas and birthday presents in our household, but things have changed since then. Of my five children, two are twins who live in the same house as me, and they always like to give each other presents. One has moved far away from here and doesn't always get back for Christmas, so we like to pack up a box of happiness because she's all by herself where she is. One has moved into her own apartment and has nobody but us to put presents under her tree and put the happy into Christmas. The remaining one is a Mother, and as we all know that means Putting Others First, which can be a bit tedious so you need your people to redress the balance. And then of course there's also the grandchildren, for whom it would be unthinkable to skip presents, and my mother who is making clearer with every passing day what the phrase "second childhood" means; obviously she needs a present on Christmas Day. So presents have snuck back onto the menu.

But my brave husband has stuck to his guns and isn't doing presents, and we all think that's absolutely fine — we're on the trail of happiness not obligation.

So then he came home today and told me he'd got a present for me, but he wanted to give it to me now because he didn't want to start up Christmas presents all over again — he said he just got it because he knows I like beautiful things. Which, of course, I do.

And he gave me this book, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy — which, just published, is already almost at the top of the Amazon best-seller list, and people are buying in multiple copies for Christmas presents. It's easy to see why.

Oh, my goodness it is lovely! It's just the best book ever! Note perfect, this book will be a classic as beloved as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Le Petit Prince.

It is full of gentle and healing wisdom, funny and delightful.

And beautiful.

The publisher's blurb describes it as "A book of hope for uncertain times", and that's exactly what it is.

And how often would that happen — to come across not one but two such delights in one week?



  1. Aw lovely and love Badger's response of giving the gift now to prevent the start up of Christmas present giving! Who knows I might even manage to persuade, cajole smallest to see Frozen 2 😀

  2. Ha! Tell her "Come with me or stay at home — I'm not missing this, with or without you!"

  3. How lovely. How thoughtful. And this arrived today—clever and beautiful and to be opened occasionally in the knowledge that it will make everything better..

  4. Oh, wow! Look at that!!

    Waving to you. x

  5. Oh Pen... I’ve recently discovered charlie mackesey too and he’s also on YouTube. Well worth the time I’d say.
    Deb x

  6. Oh, so he is! What a love!
    Here's Charlie:

  7. Earlier today my Pip called to say that she and her sister Bethany were to see Frozen2 and Beth broke the outing. So I went. I don't do musicals or cartoons that well. Your review had me interested. We changed the ticketing to a gold class family event figuring that if Miss Mia at just two played up it would be not as noticeable. The choice to upgrade was mine. I was going to be in a comfortable chair. I even ordered a pizza which Mia found most perplexing. I enjoyed the story line.

    While we were in the air con out of the extreme heat and humidity a storm hit. This time we had some rain. My suburb had 30 blessed millimetres. I do have some clean up as it feel hard and fast and I have a lot of soaked things in storage. Rain is rain and I am glad for our trees etc.

  8. Hooray for the rainfall! And our family cinema outing sounds excellent!

  9. Just a couple of days ago my oldest daughter and her family went to see Frozen 2 for the second time. I was invited, but was tired so stayed home, feeling fine about most Disney animations but not terribly drawn to them. She texted after to say how much the whole family, including Dad, LOVED the movie, and said, "I cannot understate how fantastic Frozen 2 is. You have to see it." She then went on to talk about the different themes in it, how breathtaking the animation, and how inspiring it is. So of course with those words I decided I'd see it soon. Now with your blog post, I'm even more anxious to go.

    I have seen the Mr. Rogers movie twice and can't understate how powerful and potentially life-changing I think it is. Totally unexpected in many ways. Have you seen it? xoxo

  10. Hi Julie B — I hope you get to see Frozen 2 soon, and enjoy it as much as the rest of us have.

    I haven't seen the Mr Rogers movie — I don't think we've had it here in the UK where he isn't known and loved in the same way he is in America — I'll look out for I on Netflix. xx

  11. Nooooooooooooo!! I bought the same book for you, thinking “Ember will love this! “ 😂😂😂 Well, at least I was right about that!
    I was going to add a note about not starting reciprocal present-giving too... 😆

  12. Well, that's easy, old chum — sounds as though you just bought yourself a book! Regard it as a present from me. Thank you!! xxx

  13. Ha ha! Thanks, but I bought one for myself too - great to have a daughter who works in a bookshop and gets 45% discount! Ah well, doubtless God will show me what to do with it.... 😁

    PS Did I tell you I have begun my Vicar-training? Very happy!

  14. Oh, my goodness! You will be perfect! I wish you were my vicar! May your formation in ministry be blessed, may all go well. When the winter is over we could meet in London at a station café for a catch-up again? x

  15. Awww, thanks! 🥰 Yes, definitely meet up again in Spring! xx

  16. Good! Email me when you have a good day. Fridays and Wednesdays I have weekly commitments, but Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are usually fine for me.


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