Wednesday, 18 March 2020

A blessing for your day

You may be self-isolating and able to "go" only in your own mind, but the power of your love in Christ can range the whole world.

May you be peaceful, may you be blessed today.


  1. thank you for that, pen. it does feel this lent as though we don't need to add any ascetic practices to our disciplines. we are living asceticism and prayer on a daily basis. my lenten practice now is to find joy and beauty in each day and to share that with others. thank YOU for sharing with us : )

  2. Yes! Lent 2020 is about retreating into the solitude of the desert with Jesus!

  3. Hi Penelope
    Thanks so much for posting this! I have printed it out on a card so I can stand it up on the table in front of me. It's seems to be a breast plate type of prayer/declaration. So needed for His children now in these dark times. Too easy to forget who we are in Him.

  4. Hooray! I'm so glad it's what you need at the moment. May it come true in your life. x

  5. Thank you dear Ember. The same blessing return to you. xo

  6. Waving to you! I hope you and Lloyd are okay. x


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