Monday, 3 May 2021

730 things — Day 53 of 365

 Rhyming, music and alliteration are very good ways of helping people remember things. That's why advertising jingles are effective — I can still remember the songs of ads from the 60s ("A Double Diamond works wonders" and the double-mint gum song with the twins). Even people lost in dementia can often be recalled to themselves by music — people in nursing homes can sing along with the words of hymns even though they have no idea who you are, and then there are people like this ballet dancer.

Ads incorporating rhyme are equally memorable — "du vin, du pain, du Boursin" comes to mind. When I was a child my mother one year gave me a little book of proverbs (which I loved) for my birthday. One I especially liked went, 

"Of all the sayings in the world the one to see you through, 

Is never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you."

The rhyme means I remember it still, more than fifty years later.

And alliteration — "sun, sex and Sangria" would probably sell a holiday. Sets of three are very helpful. I find if I have to remember a fourth thing I usually drop one. For instance I can never remember all four of the Quaker testimonies (simplicity, integrity, equality and peace) at once. I always forget one and have to look them up. I forget a different one each time, and if I'm out walking thinking about it, and far from a computer, I can recall them all to mind with sustained effort; but three is easier.

Music, rhyme and alliteration all help to fix things in your mind, and can be utilised to advance and deepen progress on your chosen path.

So a little bit of alliteration. Prioritise and persevere. No third thing, so that should make it even easier. If a set of three helps you, add in "pray" if you like — the wind of the Spirit in your sails is going to enhance anything, isn't it?

But prioritising and persevering is absolutely the way to effect change. Sporadic massive efforts tend to create burnout and pendulum swings (like yo-yo dieting) that mainly serve to deepen the problem. It's "the journey of 1000 miles begins with one step" that works — one step at a time, little by little, but keep at it, keep going — prioritise it and persevere. This applies to minimalism and simplicity, but also to financial management and building sound nutritional practice and pretty much anything else. It's true of exercise as well; but, as I am allergic to even thinking about exercise, I won't go there. 

My mother used to say the thing that is essential but also difficult is to both maintain and progress; key to obtaining an effective result is to build on what you had without losing the ground you already made. And that is achieved by prioritisation and perseverance. As Aesop pointed out with his hare and tortoise story, "slow and steady wins the race".

My two things sent on their way today will be this knitted tunic and velvet leggings.

I like them very much, but on my elderly figure the top looks merely sad and baggy — and while I anticipated the leggings would look dressy for an evening out, they do but a) I almost never go anywhere these days and b) the velvet is unnervingly shiny and triggers HSP irritation. So off they go. 

Remember: prioritise and persevere.


  1. Catching up with you again and a delightful, insightful and informative read on this Bank Holiday Monday ❤️ I love the Quaker principles I will use them as a springboard for my pondering today and Dee Williams is just epic. May God bless you this day dear Pen xx

  2. Waving to you, friend! I hope you'e all doing okay. xxx


Welcome, friend! I'm always interested to read your comments.