Friday, 4 June 2021

730 things — Day 85 of 365

There's so much about modern life which is absolutely wonderful. Immediately obvious is our connectedness through the internet. To have this extraordinary means of finding one's tribe is a blessing that was once beyond our wildest dreams.

Every age, like every person, has strengths and weaknesses of course, and generally speaking they belong to one another — your strength is also your weakness.

So it is that one of the challenges of modern life, with all this super extra connectivity, is the strong likelihood of becoming over-freighted. 

Now that everything is within our reach — opportunities, access, people, stuff, things to watch and listen to and participate in and learn about — we easily go beyond saturation, hardly noticing.

In my childhood, the grown-ups used to say of someone who'd eaten too much, "His eyes were bigger than his stomach," and something like this applies to our impulse to keep acquiring, keep signing up and showing up, keep taking in.

So I just wanted to offer a gentle reminder — to change your mind, to back out, to refuse an invitation, to pass along some of your lovely things, is okay. To have a bit less, miss out sometimes, and let the world go by, is okay.

But I think you knew that, really.

Today, I think I'll hoof out a couple more garments. How about these?

A very nice cotton top in a lovely shade of soft creamy beige. So pretty. And a matching merino cardi.

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