Monday, 2 August 2021

730 things hits the buffers

 I haven't by any means run out of things to give away — I have a sack of clothing (laundered and individually wrapped) to send to the Shelter (homeless charity) shop when their van collection comes by our road tomorrow — but they are things I swapped out in exchange for things coming in, so they don't count as diminishing my stash of possessions. 

So I haven't managed to find 730 things to give away. I could persevere, but I am sad that in the course of the year I gave away two tops that I got very cheaply on eBay which I think I should have kept — I could replace them because they are still sold by the firm that makes them, but they are expensive to buy new so I'll just leave it. And I think if I look for things to give away simply to make up the number target, I'll be making mistakes now that I'd have to rectify later and it would be expensive. Also I was starting to feel a bit "uh-oh" about falling into what I think of as an Instagram mentality — creating an appearance that hasn't true congruence with reality, because you can on the internet, so easily. And if one's life isn't about truth then what's the point of it? So I'll stop.

It was interesting anyway; and perhaps I'm glad that I didn't have 730 things lying about unnoticed.

But I have so many thoughts about other things that I think we can go on chatting forever. I've been thinking about St Peter and his three shelters . . .


  1. Oh Pen, please do go on chatting! The things given away were almost incidental and I am intrigued to hear your thoughts on St Peter and the three shelters. Your daily musings have become so much a part of my daily reflections that I would miss them. Blessings to you and your family. Jane

  2. Ha! Living with me is like having a radio — just switch me on and off I go . . . I will indeed go on chatting, and thank you so much for your loving encouragement. x

  3. I love chatting with you and the thoughts you share. This is one of my sanity places.

  4. Well, what a privilege! I am so glad. You are carrying some heavy responsibilities with great patience. xx

  5. "...if one's life isn't about truth then what's the point of it?" Indeed. 👋

  6. Hello Rebecca! Waving across the world to you! xx

  7. Well, you've said that numbers are unimportant in the quest for minimalism.
    Looking at what you have achieved ( rather than what you haven't) in 133 days 266 things have gone which is more than five items every week for a year. Not a bad downsize, to be sure.
    I echo the sentiments of others in being so glad that this doesn't mean the chatting will stop. Your blog has become the first thing I look for in the morning, with a cup of tea; sets me thinking for the day ahead.
    God bless you and your blog.
    Jane B

  8. Amen to authenticity both in physical life and in the internet 🙂. Please continue to share your daily musings they are always a good read ❤️❤️

  9. Hi, I found your blog recently and have really enjoyed following along with your 730 things. So I echo what others have said - please keep chatting!

    I definitely have 730 things to give away, but I don't have enough time to blog daily about it. With two young children, I'm in a very different stage of life to you, so it has been interesting to read your thoughts, both from now and when you reflect back on years past.

    Thank you

  10. Hi Jane B — Waving! Yes, when you put it like that it's a fair haul left the premises, isn't it! How encouraging — thank you! x

    Hi San — Lovely to hear from you — I hope you're all okay at your place, noses above water at least. Blessings on you and your family!

    Hi Martha — Nice to meet you. My daughter also has two kiddies and a houseful of many things. Recently she tried a sneaky ruse (I must ask her how it's going). Children have so *many* pointless plastic toys come their way, especially because kids' magazines usually have a giveaway of some sort, that her floor is awash with discarded toys — not loved and valued, just incidental acquisitions. Of course if she ever asked if they were wanted, why yes, they were. So she began a quiet campaign of taking one pointless plastic toy out of the sliding heap each day, and dropping it off in the rubbish bin by the shops . . . Cunning, eh?

  11. Plastic toys are one of my personal peeves. In Australia K Mart is selling wooden toys and they cycle through the stock fast. I have a small cupboard full of wooden toys and just a few plastic ones. Little Mia has way too many toys. I have started buying her clothing and have always bought her books.

    This is a summary of some of the sets:

  12. What a good idea — well done Walmart!

  13. Waving to you, honey — I loved my birthday card. xx


Welcome, friend! I'm always interested to read your comments.