Good morrow, friends! I hope you slept well. Wes Hal!
In this day, beloved Lord Jesus, set me free.
From confusing paths where I can no long see a way out
Set me free
From old resentment and guilt and shame, the shadows of the past
Set me free
From habits I have struggled to break and failed, so many times
Set me free
From the clinging superstitions and prejudices of inadequate religion
Set me free
From fear that stops me taking risks
Set me free
From nostalgia and attachment to baggage weighing me down
Set me free
Above all
From the fear that you will let me go, the dread of losing you
Set me free
May I be as confident, optimistic, and full of laughter and generosity
As you intended me to be
From the beginning.
The Lord’s my Shepherd (Stuart Townend)
#4 PRAYER (by Grace Garner)
Bless your holy name, O God.
Bless the darkness, bless the light,
Bless our feet upon the road,
Bless our camp all through the night.
Bless the fire and bless the wind,
Bless the water and the stone.
Bless the people and the land,
Bless the country and the town,
Bless the foolish and the wise,
Bless the young ones and the old,
Bless the clay you made us from,
Bless the treasure that we hold.
Bless our circle here today,
Bless us, each and every one,
And blessed be you, the One in Three,
Mother, Holy Spirit, Son.
God who makes the seed and blows it on the wind;
Who sends the rain and the sun to grow the tree,
Even in the shady valley and the mountaintop;
Send holy water through my roots to bring life into me.
In Jesus’ name,
Cai Thomas sings Mozart's Laudate Dominum.
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