Thursday, 13 October 2011

For your inspiration and encouragement

I really like Leo Babauta's blog Zen Habits.

A couple of days ago he posted an entry entitled 7 Little Things That Make Life Effortless.  I've read it and been back to read it again once or twice.  It's one of those reminders that helps me re-orientate and set off again in the direction I was meant to be travelling in the first place.  Good Strengthening Medicine!


  1. Ember, Reading your blog is literally rewarding! I checked out Zen Habits and Strengthening Exercises, and they will both "minister" to me today.

  2. That is an excellent link. A good reminder for us all I am sure, but I know I needed it. Thanks and have a wonderful day.

  3. I love Zen Habits! This blog started me off on my current life-track, and it's a great one for dipping into when I get lost and overwhelmed by all the things we're meant to do in the name of simplicity!

  4. Fab, isn't it? I like your profile pic, Donna x


Welcome, friend! I'm always interested to read your comments.