Saturday, 15 October 2011

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow

Another superb post from Zen Habits, here.  Who would not need to read this, not need the encouragement and reminder it offers?


  1. Yes! Absolutely bang on.

    That is the only way I have ever found to make real change in my life too. But I can then forget and start to overwhelm myself with larger goals.

  2. Sorry I read that rather quickly and was momentarily arrested by the prospect of you being overwhelmed by large goats....

  3. Thank you for that link! Not only is it a fantastic way of sneaking up on your goals, but it is possibly the only way about feeling happy about the progress you've made along the way!

  4. Oooh, good post. Some days I excel at making small changes and sometimes I want them all right now and have a hard time not focusing on the results part (#3).


Welcome, friend! I'm always interested to read your comments.