Sunday, 29 December 2024

Brothers of St Alcuins getting bewildered about nativity sets

 I met Maria here on Kindred of the Quiet Way. I find it so interesting to watch the delicate (but strong) mycelium of interaction that has grown across the spaces that divide us — the connective gift of the world wide web.

Maria lives in Russia and I live in England, but unexpectedly here she was in my life. And now we are friends. It's the same as me and the community at St Alcuins: I just materialised in their life, and they in mine.

And today Maria sent her greetings to me and to all of us here, for the Christmas season. She said: I would like to wish the brothers of the monastery and everyone here a Merry Christmas. I hope they are celebrating it cheerfully and that they have a creche. That they have learnt and sung many Christmas hymns I do not doubt at all. And that Conradus has made them lots of goodies too. 

So rejoice, and I'll remember reading the first chapter standing at a bus stop in the morning exactly one year ago. It was snowing and it was uncomfortable to read, but little things like that don't stop me :)

So I am passing that on to you, but of course I also took it to show Abbot John in the abbey of St Alcuins. He was in his atelier when I showed up, sitting talking with Father William. Brother Thomas was sweeping the room; it gets more dusty at this time of year, because ash drifts from the hearth. 

I thought I might be interrupting, but all three of them seemed pleased to see me. I took Maria’s message, and Abbot John read it out. When he’d finished reading it to us, he paused. He read it through just silently to himself again. He looked puzzled. 

The others wait for the abbot to speak, you know, in such circumstances. They were watching him, Brother Thomas standing leaning on the broom, and Father William kind of draped in the chair, in that kind of informal and graceful way that belongs to him. After a moment Abbot John looks at me.

“Please do thank her,” he says. “We certainly have sung a lot this last month. It’s been beautiful of course but somewhat . . . well . . . to say relentless might be ungracious. Let’s just stick with beautiful. And yes, Conradus has elevated our kitchens into a blur of activity, generating gingerbread and mulled ale and roast birds and I don’t know what else. We have not been hungry. 

“The feast of the Incarnation is special to us. It’s a hearth of hope where we gather and renew our vision and our sense of purpose. Yes, she’s absolutely right; it’s cheerful, and we feel that. It draws us together. But what . . . little Ghost, do you know why . . . can you illuminate . . . I mean . . . look — here — she says she hopes we have a crèche. Er . . . for . . . ? I mean, she knows this is a monastery, right?”

Now, Father William doesn’t often laugh outright, but he did then. “Oh, God, John,” he says then. “She’s not hoping we have a nursery set up for our numerous offspring — she means a manger — a crib for the bambino, the Christ child. Is that right, little Ghost? Is that what they have in your time, in how the world is for you? That thing Francis had here in our stable, a depiction of the coming of Jesus — like that, yes? Or a depiction of the nativity maybe — the holy family — carved figures like they have in Italy?”

Brother Thomas resumes his sweeping, mainly to disguise to some extent that he also finds this funny but he’s seen that his abbot now feels embarrassed. And Father John says, “Oh. Oh, I see. A crèche — yes of course. No, we don’t. Is that what you have, little Ghost?”

I tell them that I don’t personally have one, because I try not to own too many things — where would I keep them? My room is small. But I do have a figurine of Mother Mary holding the baby Jesus, and in our family room we have an icon of the Nativity that our Hebe made. 

And yes, in our church there is a crèche — a set of nativity figures in a stable. More than one, in fact.

Father William is oddly skilled at helping his abbot restore a sense of dignity on those occasions when his superior thinks he’s been unwontedly stupid. I enjoy watching William redirect the conversation, asking me if we have had snow yet (no, we haven’t), and if we have a special Christmas meal in our household. I explain that no we don’t — we used to, but none of us likes making big feasts and there’s not a lot of storage space, so we just keep things simple and normal, and make it special by spending time together, and going to church.

And today, I tell them, we have swapped out our icon of King Edward the Confessor  that our Alice made, for the one (also made by Alice) of St Thomas Becket, because it is his feast today — December 29th. I promise I will try to bring it to show them. 

“Thank you,” says Abbot John. “Look — little Ghost — please just tell your friend Maria that although we don’t have a  . . . er . . . a crèche . . . here . . . I think it is a lovely idea, and maybe we will one day.”

“My lord abbot,” says Father William: “may I add . . .?”

“Yes, of course,” says John: “whatever you like.”

“Well, will you tell Maria,” says William, “that she is in my prayers. I think she does not always find life easy. Just say . . . I have prayed for her.”

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Some things my friend observed about Father William. So I asked him about them.

I have been in correspondence with a friend about the Hawk & Dove books. Some of her insights about Father William created puzzles for me that I could not solve.

Of course, there is always the possibility that I could have made a better job of writing the books, but — setting this aside — I decided to ask Father William instead, and see what his observations might be.

I tread carefully with him, because he has been through so much, and doesn’t find life easy. I’m aware that introspection is gruelling for him, that he takes refuge in calm routine and external order — also in beauty and harmony — but he is always willing to engage honestly, so I did go ahead and ask.

It is winter, and I found him in the infirmary after dark, sitting by the fire. There was one candle alight, in a pottery holder for stability, on the table. The room was fairly warm, but he had mittens on his hands. They looked as if they were knitted, so I think he must have got his nålbound ones back from Brother Philip. I didn’t ask him, though, because I had several questions and didn’t want to waste time. You get a lot of interruptions in a monastery, especially in an infirmary, and I wanted to have this conversation.

So I sketched out the issue for him, and he just nodded and said, “Go on, then.”

I explained that there were two basic matters under consideration. One was how abruptly — suddenly — he seemed to change, when he got to St Alcuins. At St Dunstans we saw him cold, calculating, and cruel. He explains to Brother Tom that he is not capable of caring like Tom does. He seems indifferent and detached. But then, suddenly a change. Why? And why so quick? Surely (my friend observed) such changes take years and a lot of intentional work.

At this point, annoyingly, someone came into the room where we were sitting (the infirmary frater, where their main fire is). In a dark room lit by one candle and the light of a low fire, and in a place where everyone wears black, seeing who’s just come in is not always quick and easy. But the man who’d joined us trod quietly across the room to sit with us — oh, right: Abbot John. “Don’t let me interrupt,” he says, “but I’ll join you if I may. Carry on.”

So I do, continuing to the second issue, which is that my friend made the point that William has a fixed opinion of himself as a bad person, and my friend thinks this is profoundly unhealthy. William listens to this in silence. The abbot smiles as I outline this point, but doesn’t say anything.

“So, then,” I ask, “what do you think?”

William looks across at his abbot, who has precedence in conversation, but Father John says, “Yes; go on.”

“Well then,” says William, “Inside me it doesn’t feel like anything has changed really, not as such. It . . . I think it’s mostly an issue of trust. Though I suppose you can always trust anyone to be what they clearly are — I mean, I could absolutely trust my father to fly into a rage at the slightest provocation, and that encouraged me to develop self-discipline as a protection — a fortress, a refuge. If I did not argue, did not weep, kept my face impassive and my gaze low, it gave him less to find fault with. There was usually something I’d not thought of, left over to inflame his ire, but let’s not go there.

“So the most prominent lesson of my childhood was about evasion — physically leaving, yes, but inner withdrawal from what I could not leave, to escape punishment. It was a skill that became a habit that became simply who I am. If I feel threatened in a situation where there’s not much I can do about it, I go still, I withdraw, I become functionally cold. If I can do something about it, I take prompt action — I put a stop to whatever I object to; quiet threats are usually sufficient, provided there’s enough inner conviction to them to persuade another that I will follow through. Intimidation, you know? That’s all I did to Abbot Columba — Peregrine — in effect. I just used his own vulnerability against him. I didn’t need to physically hurt him or block him; just see and expose his weakness. Yes, that’s something I do. But I have come to regard it as a sterile course of action, so nowadays I employ it only when I perceive a threat, a potential invasion, to the place or the people who have been good to me.”

“The people you love?” says Abbot John, quietly. William doesn’t look at him, but, “Yes,” he says.

“Go on,” says the abbot.

“Well,” William continues, “I would stop at nothing to keep safe what I value. I would wound and kill, without a second thought, if I thought it could serve the occasion — which, I have learned, it most likely would not. And I am grateful beyond telling for the kindness I have found in this place, the respite, the understanding, the peace. I would defend this house, and these men, to the death; with my last breath, with everything in me. I owe them that much. What was the other thing? Oh yes, about being a bad man. Well, I am. Unhealthy? Probably? I expect I’m that, too. It’s an opinion. I was raised by bad people; they did a good job. Does that answer your questions?”

The abbot looks across at me. “May I offer my perspective, Little Ghost?” he says. “I know I was not invited to this conversation, but . . .”

“Oh — please — yes,” I say.

William bends his head. I get the feeling he’s not going to enjoy being discussed. 

“William is a good and loving man,” says his superior firmly, “whatever he may say or think on that topic; but he had no breathing space in his early years, and that left its mark. His instinct to secure and stabilise situations he perceives as dangerous has become. . .  somewhat overdeveloped. He has lived with so much confidently expressed negative opinion about him that he has understandably internalised it. We try not to worry about that too much. So long as he can love us, that’s our primary goal for him. And he does. Here in the infirmary he is perceptive and gentle and thorough in his care of the men, diligent in every aspect of the work. He will wear himself out lifting burdens from Brother Michael — we’re grateful, but we try to protect him from himself; exhaustion is no friend to spirituality.”

He sounds as if he’s just pausing, then gestures that no, he’s finished. “That’s it, I think,” he says.

“Then let's not overlook,” says William, “the whole thing — what let me survive my childhood at all, why they didn’t kill me — what brought me here, what stymied my attempt to end my own life, what healed and redeemed me  . . . it is the Lord Jesus; his presence, his power, his Spirit, his hope. And yes, his love. He followed me and found me, he lifted me up out of it and carried me here. This will continue until the day he picks up my living soul like a weary child, and carries me home with him. Is it gradual, is it sudden? Either, both, neither. Do I relapse? Constantly. Does he give up? Never. He will also do the same for you.”

“Amen,” says Abbot John. “Anything else?”

He looks as if he thinks we need to wrap this up, but I have one more question to raise with William. “My friend wondered how come you didn’t die of hunger or cold after the St Dunstans fire, when you tried so many places and no one would take you in.”

William laughs. “I walk through the world quietly,” he says, “which helps. Not to put too fine a point on it, I helped myself to what people had thrown out — mouldy bread, broken meats — and slept in their stables with their animals. I tethered my horse in discreet places and filched apples and hay from barns. I picked up food dropped in the street, and appropriated bread from badly supervised market stalls. I stole grain from the storehouses of householders, and their money too if they left it lying about within sight of an open window. It was still winter, not much growing in the hedgerows, but a few herbs here and there. I got what I could wherever I could find it, much as I did as a child. And yes, I was cold and I was hungry; it wasn't unfamiliar.”

The abbot puts his hands on his knees, a clear and courteous signal that we now finish. He stands, so of course William does too,

“Thank you,” I say.

“Please convey our thanks to your friend," says Abbot John, "and our greetings. Will that help, do you think — what we have said?” I assure him that it will, but honestly I have no idea.

And suddenly I am no longer in the infirmary with them but back on the south coast of England on this overcast December day, with tasks awaiting me.

I’m going to post this now; I hope it’s not full of typos, and I hope it makes sense.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Our imprint of THE HARDEST THING TO DO is now out on Amazon


The Hardest Thing To Do is now out on Amazon, in both paperback and Kindle. 

I'm pleased we've got this one complete, because it's a Lent book, and before we know it Ash Wednesday will be upon us (yes, sorry, I know we haven't even had Christmas yet, but even so!).

I've linked the picture above to UK Amazon, but it's also here on US Amazon and should be available in whichever branch of Amazon applies to your region.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Audio books of The Hawk & the Dove series

 David C Cook publishing house is in process of making audio books of all The Hawk and the Dove novels.

It's a long, slow process, but they now have the first one out.

This is such good news — lots of people have asked me over the years if there's an audio book version, because so many people prefer audio books, to listen in the car or tucked up in bed at night, or while they're cooking or doing the ironing or something.

Let me know what you think of it, if you decide to try it out. x

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

What Emma asked Abbot John

Emma sent Abbot John a thoughtful question that I think will resonate for many of us. Any of you who have read all the Hawk and the Dove books, including the three from Series 2, will quite likely immediately respond “Ah! Brother Felix!” — because what she outlines here is so much along the lines of the struggle he had/has, and his story is told in Brother Cyril’s Book and A Path of Serious Happiness. But I know Emma has not got as far as Series 2 yet, so Brother Felix will have to wait until she catches up with him. And yes, he wants to gently remind us it’s Father Felix now.

Emma, if you decide to skip a few books and read those two I mentioned, just to say that can be done without becoming completely bewildered, but of course there will be spoilers with regard to the books you skip over.

Someone who understands Felix very well indeed is my friend Debi Peck, who has written the most excellent pastoral book, The Hijacked Conscience. Emma, I commend that book to you. I think you would find it helpful.

+        +        +

So, here’s the question Emma sent to Abbot John.

Something I want to ask is about healthy introspection/self-examination vs. obsessive and damaging introspection. I want so much to always do what's right and do it in the right way, without hurting any people or doing anything wrong in the process. It's such a strong desire, though, that it leads to what I've learned is a very unhealthy perfectionism, which keeps me terrified to take steps forward if they're not guaranteed to be the right ones, and then keeps me second-guessing beforehand and ever afterward about whether I did the right thing (in the right way, at the right time, to all the right effect—especially when other people are involved and will be affected). 

It also manifests in the area of what I believe, not just steps I take. Say I've searched the Scriptures on a particular matter and come to believe this is what God is saying; well, how can I be sure I have the right interpretation, especially if others have also searched the Scriptures and come to a different conclusion? How will I ever know which one is right? How can I ever believe and live in confidence regarding matters that aren't black-and-white this-or-thats?

I wondered if Father John could speak to this. How can I self-examine without vortexing into a spiral of uncertainty and fear that maybe I did wrong (with no way to unequivocally prove the rightness or wrongness of the action either way)? (Or, in regard to beliefs/interpretations: a spiral of uncertainty and fear that maybe I believe something wrong, and therefore might live wrongly because of it.)

It seems like it would have to be either all or nothing: either I self-examine—to infinity and unsatisfied compulsion—or I don't self-examine—leading to blindness and arrogant self-assurance. What's in the middle? I truly don't know how to land there, and I drive myself and sometimes others crazy with this need to KNOW that I'm doing right / believing right. I would love to hear any thoughts / insights / advice Father John could share about this.

I find Abbot John sitting at his big oak table in his atelier on this grey, misty October afternoon, with its lowering sky and the air full of damp. Brother Tom isn’t there — Brother Stephen is weaning and castrating the bull calves at this time of year, and usually needs Tom's help. If they aren’t doing that, they’ll be trimming the hedges.

It’s gloomy out of doors, but lovely in here. There’s a modest fire glowing on the hearth, fragrancing the air and taking the chill off the room, and the candles in the wall sconces are lit. Father John has a candle on his table as well, by the light of which he’s been reading the question I left with him.

One of the chairs that usually stand near the fireside has been moved for me to sit across from Father John, so I do. Oh, my goodness, I do like it here. The sense of calm and kindness, the sense of welcome and acceptance — I just love it, I treasure it; it’s become a rare thing in a touchy and antagonistic world.

“Thank you for this,” says Abbot John, looking up at me from the piece of paper I gave him; “and please say thank you to Emma. To live with a good conscience and do your best to walk in holiness is something beautiful. I esteem her for that.

“And you — I think  you might already know what I’m going to say — you have explored some of these matters with our Father Felix; who is well at the present time, settled and contented, although . . . well, let’s hope it lasts.

“The first thing that came to my mind, when I read Emma’s question, is to wonder — who is her confessor? Those of us who try with all our heart and soul to walk in the light authentically can so easily tie ourselves in knots over matters of conscience. Having the corrective of someone we trust and esteem bringing a different perspective can help a lot. Living under monastic discipline that’s a given, of course. It does have its frustrations, admittedly. If you live under obedience, there may be all kinds of courses of action that seem like straightforward common sense, but if your abbot or your novice master says ‘No', you just have to let it go. But when it comes to examination of conscience, it’s more often reassuring — it cuts the binding cords of tension and obsessive shame. To be heard, to be seen for what you are, by someone who accepts and understands, can be such good medicine. When you confess whatever vile and embarrassing thing you’ve done, and your confessor smiles and says, ‘Yes, we all do that,’ it's such a relief. And to hear his absolution, telling you with certainty that your (very real) sins are forgiven, is the best thing in the world, sometimes.

“But that might not be the framework Emma lives in. Maybe she just has to think things through for herself. If that’s her situation, I think my counsel would be to find a trusted friend — someone of holy life and intelligent mind, someone she can rely on for good counsel and wise discernment, to help her with these moral choices and matters of conscience.

“Then there’s her concern about interpreting the Scriptures — theologians have argued vehemently over this since the ink was wet on the page. I mean, look at the letter to the Galatians, St Paul saying, ‘When Peter came to Antioch I told him to his face I was opposed to what he was doing, because it was clearly wrong.’ Except it obviously wasn’t clear to Peter. And if those two great apostles had such entrenched differences of opinion, what hope is there for the rest of us? It’s a tangled knot, is this one. 

“I think — and heavens, I’m an abbot but I’m not God; I might be barking up the wrong tree entirely — I’d counsel two things about this. The first is that the New Testament urges us to be gentle, to be kind, to be mild-mannered, to cut each other a bit of slack, to be merciful. I dare to suggest that it might not matter if you’re right, but it always matters if you’re kind. If it comes to a choice between being right and being kind, choose to be kind — because if you do that, you’ll be right. Sometimes, of course, you have to be a lone voice speaking up for what you believe, sometimes you have to call someone out on seriously bad personal conduct, and sometimes you have to deliver unpalatable truths. Even then; be kind.

“The second thing I’d say is that even the Scriptures are not static, the books of the Bible don't all speak with one voice. They delineate a journey. For instance, the Old Testament Law says adulterers must be stoned to death; but when Jesus is confronted with someone caught in the very act of adultery, he will not condemn her. The Law teaches an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth — so, a system of enlightened justice that sought to place limits on vengeance. But the Sermon on the Mount teaches us to love our enemies, to bless those who curse us, to make peace and forgive, leaving any vengeance we had in mind in God’s hands. So Scripture isn’t fixed, it’s a pathway, a journey, it develops, it continues. The secret is — well, this is what I think, anyway — to look for the direction it travels, which is consistent. It’s travelling away from violence and towards peace, it’s developing justice into grace. It’s moving from exclusion to inclusion, so that in the Old Testament you get Jephthah thrown out of the family circle because of who his mother was, but in the gospels you get Jesus looking round the company of his friends saying, ‘These here are my mother, my brothers.” It gives hope to the lost and the lonely, it addresses the warring factions of tribalism. Look at where the scriptures are moving, and walk in that way; don’t get hooked up on legalising insistence on the static moment. Let it relax. Let it flower. See where it’s going. Live into the potential of hope and grace and love.

“And I’d just like to say that even people who are entirely certain they’re right sometimes get things all wrong. And that getting the wrong end of the stick is very human. God understands. In my own life, I do my best, and sometimes I get it wrong — and when I do, God forgives me. That’s how it is for all of us, isn’t it?

“Now then, Little Ghost, in no time at all the bell for Vespers will be ringing; you’re welcome to come in to chapel with us if you’d like to do that. I hope what I’ve said to you is of some use to Emma. Tell her she will be in my prayers. And, please tell her that God loves her; he isn’t a tyrant. His kindness is very spacious, very understanding. God can cope with Emma being wrong about some things, and even with her messing up right royally on occasion. God . . . you know . . . God is on Emma’s side.”