Monday 26 August 2019


Waving to Beth of Living a Simple Life in this Interconnected World

I so enjoyed reading your post about the places you'd lived, but though I tried to comment, my words just fall off your blog like raindrops down a window-pane.

I wanted you to know I'd seen your post — I think the place you are living now is just perfect for you and Matt, but I also love the thought of living in the college dorm. I well remember those days from my own life, and the simplicity and anonymity strongly appeals to me now — plus being part of a campus community which is like a village but hardly anybody knows you. Fab. Only there'd have to be rainwater butts and compost heaps and at least a windowsill to grow some veggies.



Julie B. said...

I love what Beth did too. Still thinking about doing that myself. :) Have a nice day, all ye readers of the Quiet Way... xoxo

Pen Wilcock said...

Yes, I'm still hoping you will be writing that post some day — though I appreciate you've had family matters on your mind in recent times. x

BLD in MT said...

You were totally right. I missed this! Thanks for your kind words and the initial inspiration! ***Waving back***