Saturday 17 August 2024

A Path of Serious Happiness — Book 3 in 'The Hawk & the Dove' Series 2

 Thank you so much to everyone who's been messaging me to know when this book would be available — thank you for waiting so patiently.

Finally we are done and it is published. 

You can get it on Amazon UK
here in paperback, on Amazon US here, and here (UK) or here (US) in Kindle. If you are in a different country, the Amazon local to you will also have it in stock.

In our new Humilis Hastings edition of The Hawk & the Dove series, the second volume (The Wounds of God) is now available on Amazon, as well as The Hawk & the Dove. We have the paperback out now, and the ebook will follow shortly.


Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! Congrats on the new book, can’t wait to read it. Been sharing this series with friends and they are hooked.

Pen Wilcock said...

Hurrah! Thank you so much for sharing the stories with other people, because they can sometimes be a bit of a lifeline for folk who are struggling. Thank you. Blessed be. I hope you enjoy this new story. x

Anonymous said...

i'd read the full hawk & dove series but only recently discover that there was a second series. i've now begun 'cyril's book' and love it. a place of quiet refuge for sure. i shall back track to the first one which i put off as i knew it was about william whom i know can be a bit . . . um . . . difficult to say the least. still, he is our brother so i shall love him in his prickliness. so delighted to find this second series. please keep writing this 'gentle fiction.' it's just what we need now.

Pen Wilcock said...

Heheh. William. He reads over my shoulder. He blows you a kiss and says it's okay, he knows he's not everyone's cup of tea. He also says I should let you know it's not just him you might find weird in "This Brother of Yours", but he says blame Brother John for the other weirdness — he just does what he's told.
Thank you so much for stopping by to say hello — I'm so glad you're finding the stories helpful.

greta said...

somehow i have a hard time imagining william blowing me a kiss but i shall definitely read 'this brother of yours' and keep a wary eye out for br. john. i'm loving cyril but philip not so much. makes me wonder if he'll stick it out. however, i love that fr. francis calls God 'Mother.' i can certainly relate to that!

Pen Wilcock said...

Oh, Greta, it's you! Hiya.
Re blowing a kiss: William says "Oh? Try harder."
Yes, you'll see more of Brother Philip in A Path of Serious Happiness. xx

greta said...

you made me laugh, yes, william would say that! i will never forget how you read 'a day and a life' to us during the pandemic. it was such a balm to my heart. keep writing, pen! you always give me hope.

Pen Wilcock said...


Pen Wilcock said...

Oh, my Lord! Apologies! It was me not William who called their *actual abbot* Brother John, not "Father." I'm so sorry. I've known him too long. And William just folds his arms and says "Get out of that, then."
Handily Abbot John says "No worries, we're all brothers, aren't we?"

greta said...

i did wonder as i figured out that FR. john was the abbot but then i thought i was the one who made a mistake. as abbot john says, 'no worries .. . .' stunning harvest super moon here tonight along with a partial lunar eclipse. my plan is to sit on the front porch and say compline whilst i admire the handiwork in the heavens.

Pen Wilcock said...
