Thursday, 20 February 2025

"Remember Me" now published under our Humilis Hastings imprint

We've now published Remember Me on Amazon — that's Book 6 of Series 1 of The Hawk and the Dove stories.

It's here on Amazon UK and here on American Amazon; and it'll be on whatever branch of Amazon is regional for where you live.

Writing this today, the paperback is out. It'll also be out on Kindle in the next day or two, so keep looking if that's what you're hoping for. 

The proceeds of all my books published under the Humilis Hastings imprint are shared 50/50 with the community of Carthusian monks at Horsham in West Sussex (here), before tax and before expenses are paid. I am so grateful to them for holding this troubled world in prayer, faithfully and daily, in these turbulent times.

My thanks to Tony Collins for editing, Hebe and Alice Wilcock for cover art, and Jonathan Roberts for cover design and formatting.

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