Tuesday 1 October 2019

Sister Act — Hail Holy Queen — never gets old

Yes, please. My kind of church.


greta said...

always lifts my spirits right up - thanks for sharing!

Pen Wilcock said...


Me too.


Julie B. said...

I loved this movie and the music in it. Years ago a group of friends (middle aged moms then) did a little performance at a gathering at our church, lip-synching this movie's "I Will Follow Him," and doing hysterical lame dance moves.

We called ourselves Gladys Light and the Hips... padded our hips with pillows in our black stretch pants, wore sunglasses, Christmas ornaments for earrings, and had the time of our lives.

The audience pretty much went wild when the song segued into the rocking version it is at the end, except for two people. An elderly mother and her older unmarried daughter, pillars of the church. They thought we were making fun of a hymn (but the song is an oldie, not a hymn), and they stood stiffly up during our performance and huffily stomped out of the church. I think they though we had brought judgment down or something.

But that is a wonderful memory for me, and I think I'm going to listen to Sister Act's "I Will Follow Him" right now. xoxo

Pen Wilcock said...

Oh, yes! I love that one as well!