Friday 28 January 2022

Namo’valokiteshvaraya Chant

In loving memory of the teacher Thich Nhat Hanh
who shone so bright a light
and taught us so much.

"Empty-handed I entered the world
Barefoot I leave it.
My coming, my going—
Two simple happenings
That got entangled."
~ Kozan Ichikyo


Anonymous said...

A very beautiful tribute to thich nhat hanh. Thank you for posting. What a remarkable man he was - and somehow, still is. He left a wealth of teaching, inspiration and guidance. I was so sad to watch his community grieve and this is very fitting, thankyou. Deb x

Pen Wilcock said...

Twice I had the chance to be where he was and hear him speak. That felt like a precious gift. x

BLD in MT said...

I'm revisiting his book, Peace is Every Step, which had such a lasting resonance with me when I first read it while at university.

What a precious gift, indeed, to hear him speak in person.

Pen Wilcock said...

I really love that book!

How lovely to hear from you! How are things in Billings? All okay? x

BLD in MT said...

We've been well for the most part. Cooking, sewing, reading, and so forth.
Matt did catch COVID, but had a mild case, fortunately. His dad has been ailing, but we're hopeful he's on the mend now, following surgery. It is very cold right now and I'm happy to have our cozy home and cozy cats. I just finished sewing some curtains for the bathroom with my mother. It was lovely to spend time with her, plus I always learn so much when we sew together. I hope you and yours are well, too.

Pen Wilcock said...

Yes, all well here.


Blessed be. x