Sunday 30 January 2022

Ssh. Just stillness

Find something

Read something

Watch something

Complete something

Eat something

Prepare something

Write something

Record something

Check something

Clean something

Buy something

Put something away

Look for something

Cook something

Think about something

Discard something

Listen to something

All of that.

But in between there are gaps.

Moments for stillness; to breathe and just be.

In awareness of the everything behind and beneath all the somethings that come and go.

This everything — it has a heartbeat. It has a smile.


Terra said...

Moments for stillness, those are bliss and so important.

Suzan said...

I seek those moments but in this household they are are difficult to find. Even sleep is interrupted here.

Pen Wilcock said...

May you find what you seek. May they be real oases, not just mirages.

Thank you so much for your message relating to my other post, which I've deleted as you'd rather it not be published. Blessed be. xx